I get it. You want your breath to smell fresh. However, the reality is that the vast majority of mouthwashes can actually be doing you more harm than good. Firstly, mouthwashes can disrupt the delicate balance of bacteria that exists in our mouth. I liken using a mouthwash to throwing a grenade against both the good and the bad bacteria that lives in our mouth. They indiscriminately kill everything. Mouthwashes, especially alcohol containing ones dry out our mouths. That burn that you get with certain mouthwashes that can actually be a sign that the skin of your mouth is being irritated by the ingredients within the mouthwash. For some people, the addition of a mouthwash means they become more lax with their hygiene steps. The steps that have the biggest impact on oral health, like brushing and flossing. Mouthwashes should never be a substitute for these. If you don’t want to have bad breath Come back to the basics. Brush, floss, use a tongue scraper. If after that you still have bad breath, consult with your dentist.
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