Every parent knows the basics to ensuring their kids have healthy teeth. what can you do to ensure their smile is also aesthetically pleasing? Firstly, breaking bad habits early. Habits like thumb sucking, dummies and tongue thrust can have a huge impact on the look and shape of not just their teeth but their jaws and the whole face. Secondly, nasal breathing has a huge impact on how the teeth and the jaws develop. Lips that are constantly apart, audible breathing, snoring and nighttime tooth grinding  are all indicators of poor nasal breathing patterns. For kids jaws and teeth to grow broad and spacious for the upcoming adult teeth, the tongue needs to be up against the roof of the mouth at rest. Finally, picking up on malocclusions or crookedness of the teeth and malalignments early is super important. These early interventions can reduce the complexity of future orthodontic treatment. And more importantly, in certain cases, can reduce the risk or the need for surgery in adulthood.

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