This Is a case of a lovely patient of mine that really shows how simple affordable dentistry can really transform a smile. This patient’s primary concern was the look of his teeth and wanting to replace his missing front tooth with something other than implants. After fixing his gum issues removing decay and establishing an immaculate home hygiene protocol we commence the cosmetic phase of his plan. As with any cosmetic phase I’m involved in, I always begin with a digital smile design, using the patient’s full face photos. As you can see, there are gaps in between the teeth, and this patient had a strong jawline with dominant masculine features. So my design was created to be in harmony with his face. We ran a test drive of the smile and once he approved and loved the design, we completed teeth whitening and then built up all of the upper and the lower teeth with composite veneers. A denture replacing the missing tooth was then fabricated to match.
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