The majority of over the counter whitening products are either ineffective for most people or potentially harmful to the teeth. Firstly, all over the counter products need to remain below a 6 percent hydrogen peroxide threshold making them relatively weak whitening agents. In addition to that saliva will wash these agents away which need liberal time and contact with the tooth to make a change. Whitening strips and generic trays do provide the teeth with more exposure to these gels however, they too are not custom fitted enough In terms of over the counter products being potentially damaging, anything with abrasive particles like charcoal, calcium carbonate, calcium pyrophosphate, alumina, perlite, nanohydroxyapatite, and sodium bicarbonate can scratch and wear the surfaces of the teeth long term. Alternatively, erosive agents like citric acid or PAP may work initially to improve the color of the teeth.  But long term has been shown by research to erode your precious enamel.

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