Five things you didn’t know about veneers. With the technology we have today most people can actually test drive their dream smile before any treatment is commenced. Trial smiles, mock ups, test drives are all words to describe this process. The most natural looking veneers usually have a translucent or clear incisal edge built into them to mimic this feature of natural teeth. A beautiful set of veneers is more than just about the way the teeth look but also how the gums frame them. Every veneer case should be designed with the face in mind. This is called facially driven dentistry. The temporary veneer stage is more than just a step to cover your teeth while the permanent ones are being made. It should actually be a phase where the original smile design is being tested. How do they look when you smile and laugh? Is your speech drastically affected by the temporaries especially on the F and S sounds? So now you know.
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