Don’t ruin your Invisalign or braces gains. You’ve been so diligent for weeks and months wearing your braces and Invisalign like your dentist or orthodontist advised. When teeth are moved orthodontically, they need time to settle into the bone and soft tissues around them. And that’s where retainers come in. Without retainers, your teeth will want to move back to their original position undoing the results of your orthodontic treatment. These plastic trays and often fixed metal wires bonded to the inside of the front teeth are designed to hold the teeth in their new position, preventing relapse. Your dentist or orthodontist will recommend that you wear your clear trays full time. Only taking them out when you eat, drink, or brush your teeth. Within a few weeks or months you will only need to wear them in your sleep. This night time wear is actually for life. By doing this you will never have to go through orthodontic treatment again and your beautiful smile is preserved for life.
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