As a cosmetic dentist the three things I look for that you don’t . Smile arc. If you were to trace a line joining the tips of the front teeth  Does this arc run in harmony and in parallel with the lower lip? In cases where it doesn’t in a flattened or reverse smile arc the smile does not look harmonious. Buckle corridors. Have you ever looked at a photo of you smiling and noticed dark shadows in the corners of your smile?  If yes, then you have what are called buckle corridors. Buckle corridors or negative space gives the impression of the smile being narrow instead of wide, full and beautiful. Gum lines. A little bit of gum show when smiling is a sign of youth and health. For some people, there is an excess amount of gum show which actually detracts from the aesthetics of the smile. The pink, the gum, and the white, the teeth. Need to be in harmony to achieve a nice aesthetic smile.

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