Here is a rundown of the key things you need to know about teeth whitening. all teeth whitening agents break down to hydrogen peroxide as the active whitening agent. In Australia you can only purchase whitening products above 6% peroxide from dentists. Professional teeth whitening done by a dentist falls into one of two categories: at home and in-chair teeth whitening. At home whitening involves injecting whitening gel into trays custom made for your mouth and wearing those trays for a duration in time. in-chair whitening involves an appointment with a dentist in which a high strength peroxide usually about 30 to 35% is applied to the teeth by a dentist. Some in-chair procedures involve the use of a special light to theoretically accelerate the whitening process. Most people experience some level of sensitivity with teeth whitening. This sensitivity is transient and reversible if you have a healthy set of teeth. Use sensitive toothpaste before and after as well as during your whitening.
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