I came to Australia with my parents from Morocco in the 1990’s. And as the only kid in class who couldn’t speak English I was already the odd one out. I had a little face and big teeth. Kids can be cruel. And I was nicknamed Bugs Bunny. For all of my schooling years, I was bullied about my teeth. It had a huge impact on my self esteem and my confidence. Although I had the best parents in the world, they couldn’t afford braces for me. Fast forward many years later  I ironically graduated as a dentist. And through the help of Dr david Austin from Smile Solutions in Melbourne I was able to get Invisalign. The day Dr. Austin had announced that my treatment had been completed was a surreal moment. I wasn’t Bugs Bunny anymore. That day was a milestone in my life as in that moment I resolved that if I could help people climb out of experiences like mine I would. If I could give people the ability to smile with confidence like David had given me, then I would.

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