Do you cringe at the thought of biting into an ice cream? If so, you’re not alone. In many cases, this sensitivity is an indication of a cavity, or cracked or infected tooth requiring dental intervention. For others, this pain and discomfort with hot, cold, sweet, acidic foods or even brushing is a result of dentinal hypersensitivity. Some people just have naturally sensitive teeth. Their enamel is thinner and hence provides less insulation and protection. This is actually a result of habits that need to be broken. Over brushing, or brushing with a hard toothbrush, teeth grinding, exposure to acids. They can all be leading causes of this sensitivity. Brushing gently with a soft toothbrush using sensitive toothpaste like Sensodyne or Colgate Relief can also offer some relief to this problem. Consistency and patience are key with these products as it can take a few days, even a few weeks to work effectively.
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